Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Michael Moore & Farenheit 9-11

Documentarian Michael Moore has been a thorn in the side of whatever subject he decides is important enough to make a film about. In Fahrenheit 9-11 Moore successful states his partisan view using his time old guerrilla film tactics pared with his witty sense of humor.
Moore argues that the Bush administration is at fault, or at least knew about the terrorist attacks of 9-11. He takes his classic comedic approach to underline and connect various parts of the Bush's lives to build a plausible argument about their involvement with Saudi Arabia.
An interesting part in the documentary is when Moore uses a bunch of archival footage of both Bush Senior and Junior and their administration officials shaking hands with Saudi Leaders. During this montage the viewer is lead to believe that the has been a long standing and ongoing relationship. Moore also creative set the mood for underscoring this friendship by using the REM song Shiny Happy People, which supports a happy and jovial mood for the montage.
In all I think the film raised a lot of important questions about the Bush family and U.S. involvement with Saudi Arabia. I feel however that we as the public will never get the whole truth. I am thankful that Michael Moore is able to make his films and raise his social arguments to the masses. I also see his agenda in the process, but feel that he approaches his work in an honest way. His work is surely skewed to his perspective, but hes the one raising the question and presenting evidence to support his arguments. So though I may not agree with him 100%, I do say more power to him for standing up for what he believes in and doing what he can to get answers.

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