Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Becomming Death

To find a photograph to blog about I decided to just google "photograph" and pick an image that challenged me. I was about to select an old photograph of a hanging in the 40's when this image caught my eye.

I don't think one can express the sadness that this image portrays. The photo was taken in souther Sudan by photographer Kevin Carter. It is easy to understand why he took the photograph and the argument he is making. The photo successfully illustrates the dire struggle that is going on is souther Sudan (and many other parts of Africa) where there is not enough food to sustain the population.


  1. I had some technical difficulty with this post (i somehow lost a lot of the original content). An afterthought I had, came after focusing on the proximity of the bird to the child. It is unclear if the photographer intended this or this was the just happenstance. Regardless, by just focusing on the proximity the viewer can assign how close to death these children are.

  2. After reading about the photographer of the image I learned that he committed suicide. Most speculate as a result for becoming famous for taking the picture along with the criticism that he received for not helping the girl.

  3. After seeing the blog relating to this picture again,I am still at a loss to analyze it as social commentary. Through this image I am forced to contemplate that inadequacies of our world. while I am over her "struggling" to get by... The fact that there are children fighting to survive kills me. It is my goal to work to help solve these situations or at least make efforts to address them. Sad,sad stuff..
